Saturday, March 28, 2015

Kaleidoscope App

     This past week in my Pre-Student Teaching Observations, the catholic school where I observe in Malvern, Pennsylvania, every Thursday, was taking Terra Nova Tests throughout the entire week.  In order to keep the second grade students calm and quiet in the classroom until all of the other students in the school had finished with their Terra Nova Tests, my cooperating teacher and I found an art-themed app on the iPad that served as a brain break activity for the students.  The name of the app is Kaleidoscope and it can either be downloaded onto an iPhone, iPod, or an iPad.  Downloading this free app is easy, all you have to do is go into the App Store on your Apple Device and type in Kaleidoscope in the search bar.  It is a free download; however, it may require you to purchase certain things contained on the app.  This app is an amazing drawing activity that allows students to think that they are actually looking inside of a kaleidoscope.  With this app, it is a simple drawing activity that includes eight different kaleidoscope modes, more than ten beautiful brushes, and endless bright colors.  After you are finished with your kaleidoscope design, this app actually allows you to watch the play back of your kaleidoscope design and procedure with the “Movie” mode!  This app is great to use either as an art activity or a quick brain break activity in any grade level.  

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