Monday, February 9, 2015

School Tube

            I cannot believe that I am already in my second semester of my junior year!  Beginning on January 15th, I began my Pre-Student Teaching Observations at a Catholic School in Malvern, PA in a second grade classroom.  I am also looking forward to student teaching in this same second grade classroom for the Fall 2015 Semester.  I am fascinated that in every classroom at this Catholic School there is a Smart Board.  Technology and the use of multimedia is definitely at an all-time high throughout this school, and all of the teachers incorporate technology in some way into their classroom curriculum. This past Thursday, February 5th, both of the second grade classrooms combined for Science Lab in the afternoon.  In Science Lab, the students learned about the Water Cycle.  The second grade teachers asked me to find an age and grade appropriate video online to help introduce the concept of the Water Cycle to the students. The teachers recommended that I search for the video through School Tube.  I had never heard of School Tube until my cooperating teacher mentioned it to me.  She explained that School Tube was the educational (appropriate) version of YouTube.  She indicated that it provides you with educational and yet sometimes motivational or fun videos that are also school-appropriate.  Now that I know about School Tube, I will definitely utilize this website to find videos and much more when I begin my student teaching in the fall.  This website/search engine will allow me to find videos for my students that are appropriate instead of constantly searching on YouTube and hoping that an appropriate one will pop-up.